Dr. Leonard Akwilapo, Permanent secretary, Ministry of Education Science and Technology today November 30, 2019 visited Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission at its Head Quarter, Arusha.
During his visits Dr. Akwilapo received a presentation report from Director General, Professor Lazaro Busagala highlighted the performance and achievements of TAEC for the period of one year and eight months since he has been appointment to be the Director General of the Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission by President of the United Republic of Tanzania.
Prof. Busagala on his presentation pointed some of the achievements , such as a restoration of the good relations with workers, solved the problem of promotion and salaries, a problem that existed for a long time, a clean audit report from the CAG Office for the financial year of 2017/2018 and 2018/2019, high improvement of the staff performance, morale and discipline, the opening of nine (9) new border offices and one (1) lake region office to facilitate service to the people and raising economic activity, reducing the timeframe for issuing radioactivity analysis certificate to traders, holding regular meetings at unit levels, Departments and Directorates
Speaking to Management Dr. Akwilapo, congratulated TAEC on receiving the best employer award presented by TUCTA during the annual celebration of the workers day while emphasizing the continuation of the regular meetings to solve workers’ problems with a view of improving performance and making the workplace safer