Integration of Electronic Single Window System (ESWS) with Radioactivity Analysis Certificate System

May 27, 2020

The office of Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania, under the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment has introduced Electronic Single Window System (ESWS) at both exit and entry points of the URT. That being a matter, the Commission Radioactivity Analysis Certificate System and licensing will be integrated with ESWS as soon as possible.  Early next week the task will commence in collaboration with  experts from eGA and TRA. The adoption of the ESW will provides the key to simplifying cross-border trade and the enhancement of real-time information sharing and exchange between customs and other border agencies and private sector stakeholders.

 The implementation of a single window system will enabled the business community to submit documents to different regulatory agencies through a single point compared to the previous cumbersome and time-consuming practice where they had to move from one place to another. Such documents include customs declarations, applications for import/export permits, and certificates of origin. The single window will facilitates international trade by expediting and simplifying information flow between the private sector and the regulatory government institutions, thereby reducing time and cost of doing business.
