Regional Training Course on use of Georeferenced Fly Rounds for Cost-Effective Entomological Surveillance of Savannah Tsetse Species

Oct 30, 2018

URT through the Tanzania Veterinary Laboratory Agency (TVLA), Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission (TAEC) in collaboration with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) are conducting a five day Regional Training Course on the use of Georeferenced Fly Rounds for Cost-Effective Entomological Surveillance of Savannah Tsetse Species. The main objective of the training is to transfer to the Member States the technology of the georeferenced fly round allowing conducting entomological surveys of savannah tsetse species over large areas with limited resources as part of campaign to fight against tsetse and Trypanosomiasis that affect human beings and livestock,

The training Course is attended by the participants from 10 African Countries that are Burkina Fasso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Senegal, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Tanzania.

Tanzania through Ministry of Livestock Development has developed a tsetse intervention strategy, under which various government departments and institutions cooperate to manage the tsetse and Trypanosomiasis problem in line with the Action Plan of the African Union’s Pan-African Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Campaign (PATTEC). The strategy runs in parallel and complementary to the WHO initiative for sleeping sickness diagnosis and treatment, and focuses on progressive elimination of discrete areas of tsetse populations using a combination of methods depending on fly species, terrain and habitat, and local and national experience. Moreover, the Government has established a multi-sectoral National Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Control Committee (NTTCC) to oversee the implementation of the strategy, using the already established infrastructure and capacity in a more systematic way and through close collaboration with neighboring countries (signatories of the PATTEC initiative) in the Africa region.

Sterile Insect Techniques (SIT) uses nuclear technology to control insect pest, SIT is among the most environmentally friendly control tactics available, and is usually applied as the final component of an integrated campaign to remove Insects population.

PHOTO: Participants in Group photo during the Regional Training Course on use of Georeferenced Fly Rounds for Cost-Effective Entomological Surveillance of Savannah Tsetse Species in Arusha,29 October 2018.
