The Commission regulates both ionizing and non ionizing radiation practices and also provides a wide range of nuclear technology applications related services to various stakeholders Read more . . Major services which can be provided by the Commission are as follows:-


On the basis of Atomic Energy Act No. 7 of 2003 and the Control from Radiation Contamination in Foodstuffs, Regulations of 1998, the Commission is entitled with a responsibility to control radiation contamination if foodstuff and fertilizer for the purpose of protecting the people and the environment from harmful effects of radiation. Following the accident at a nuclear facility in Chernobyl in 1986, the International Community through the International Atomic Energy Commission (IAEA) and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) established systems for measurement of radioactivity in foodstuffs in order to determine artificial radionuclides resulting from accidents at nuclear reactors/facilities. Download Procedures


The Commission carries out, on regular bases inspections in radiation workplaces to ensure the safe use of radiation sources. This source is mandatory in order to protect workers, public and environment. Protection of workers, patients, environment, visitors and public in general from unnecessary exposure to radiation.TAEC is responsible for advising on relevant legislation, providing professional advice on matters relating to Radiation and will ensure, that the statutory and regulatory provisions are being complied with. Read more . . . 


TAEC has laboratories for Gamma spectrometry, Alpha spectrometry and X-Ray Fluorescence, which support its regulatory functions by measuring radioactivity and other elements in foodstuffs and environmental materials. Furthermore radioactive materials, of which their useful life is over, are collected from various institutions, conditioned and safely stored in the TAEC Central Radioactive Waste Management Facility (CRWMF). Such facility can also be used for research, consultancy and services locally or internationally. Read more


Radiotracer Techniques in Industry and Environmental Pollution. This include:-

  1. Turbulent flow rate in pipes,
  2. Laminar flow rate in straight, circular tubes,
  3. The determination and analysis of residence time distributions in process vessels,
  4. The detection of dead space and channeling,
  5. batch mixing processes.


Personnel dose monitoring services are provided to occupationally exposed radiation workers, in order to assess radiation exposures. Ionizing radiation measuring equipments are calibrated, not only to our local stakeholders but also for the neighboring countries. About 1500 radiation workers in hospitals, industries and research establishments are monitored every month. The Commission is responsible for registration and licensing of the use of radiation devices, radioactive materials and other related installation. There are about 100 licensed radiation work-places and installations in the country. The Commission is also responsible to monitor possible hazards due to non-ionising radiation. The Commission runs a national laboratory for calibration of dose measurements and dosimetry equipment.



The Commission has a laboratory whose main objective is to provide a co-ordinated country wide services and training in quality control and maintenance of nuclear and related equipment. The long term objective of the laboratory is to strengthen the national capability in nuclear instrumentation maintenance. Some of the major services provided by the laboratory include; Repair and maintenance of scientific as well as nuclear and related equipment used in research, industry and medicine. Consultancy service and service contracts on electronic equipment. Quality control and preventive maintenance of nuclear and related Medical equipment. Training on instrument maintenance as well as use of technical software on data management and design for technicians and scientists in research and hospitals. Design and fabrication of low cost electronic devices for local application.


The Commission maintains a library which is equipped with variety of documentation on nuclear physics, Radiation Protection, Nuclear medicine, Isotope hydrology application, food irradiation, nuclear energy/safety and other related to nuclear technology. It also a member of Internation Nuclear Information System database which contains index catalogues both in printed form web based. INIS contains collection for scientific literature published worldwide on the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology.Comprehensive international coverage of scientific and technical literature carried out by INIS Members and the INIS Center in Tanzania.


To ensure effective delivery of nuclear technology services TAEC provides trainings in a wide range of fields and target groups including Radiation Protection to workers in nuclear installations, application of ICT in research/academic institutions, radiation hazards to the public and environment and many others etc. TAEC will need to develop strategic training activities in order to build training competence in the field both internally and externally especially given the current globalised economy to execute its statutory mandate. Expanded areas for training include among others:

  • Research Reactor Operations and Safety;
  • Nuclear Material Control;
  • Radioactive Waste Management;
  • Radiation Safety and Control;
  • Isotope Production and Application;
  • Nuclear Fuel cycle Chemistry;
  • Radiochemistry;
  • Nuclear Engineering and
  • Installation of a National Nuclear/Radiological Emergency Response and Preparedness System etc.


Research, consultancy and services are carried internally and beyond in the area of nuclear technology as well non ionizing radiations application. Indeed in all these cases clients are expected to contribute and finance these activities


The TAEC laboratories are being upgraded to include;

  • Total reflection X-rays fluorescence (TXRF) for surface elemental analysis technique of particles, residues, and impurities on smooth surfaces;
  • Personal Monitoring and cytogenetic laboratory;
  • Whole body counter
  • Non Destructive Testing (NDT) Laboratories;
  • Nuclear Safety, Security, Safeguards and Emergency Response;
  • Inspection, Enforcement, Mining, Safety Matters, Authorization, and Enforcement;
  • Physical Analysis Laboratory;
  • Earth and Mineral Analysis Laboratory;