TAEC trains Dangote Cement Industry Workers

Jan 13, 2020

The Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission (TAEC) has conducted basic training on safe use of radioactive material for workers at the Dangote Cement Industry in Mtwara region.

The training was conducted to raise awareness on radiation sources, its safety as well as the safety of personnel using those sources.

The training was conducted at the industry for two days to a total of five engineers and scientists.

Speaking at the occasion, researcher and Head of TAEC Center in Mtwara region, Mr. Machibya Matulanya, said that the training is part of the functions of TAEC that exist in accordance with Section 6 (1) (o) of the Atomic Energy Act No. 7 of 2003.

He added that the training took place at the right time when leaders of almost every country in the world emphasizes on the safety of radioactive sources as well as the protection of user to curb potential smuggling and illicit trafficking of radioactive sources.

He added that, the training will bring greater productivity to Dangote Cement Industry workers as it will enable them to more fully plan to use radiation sources as well as follow the law for safe use of radiation in the country.

TAEC would continue to provide more training in various industries and facilities in the country that uses radioactive sources, Mr. Matulanya said, so as to ensure peaceful uses and safety of the users.

He said there are many benefits of using radioactive sources, but when not used in compliance with laws, procedures and regulations, there can be side effects.
